
Performed by - Tania Solomonoff, Kevin Almaraz & Santiago Martínez

Directed by Arnaldo Iñigo
Cinematography by Matías Penachino
Executive Produced by Gabriel Stavenhagen & Arnaldo Iñigo
Production Design by Luis Rojas Luino
Second Unit Cinematography by Borja V. Conde
Wardrobe Styling by Charo Roque
Casting by In the Park Management & Elke Garda
Line Producer - Oscar Pineda
1AD - Andrea Correa
2nd AD - Paola Martinarena
Movement Coach - Ana G Zambrano
Focus Puller - Mariano Rodriguez
Edited by Arnaldo Iñigo
Online Edit - Alexis Montoya
Executive Production Coordinator - Mariana Ortiz
Colorist - Jesus Dominguez G
Sound Design by Defacto Sound
Credits Design by Koln Studios

Music: Black Math - Flesh and Bone / Luke Atencio - "The Ghost"

Shot on 16mm Kodak - Vision 3 on location in Mexico City. © Cineburo 2019